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Kelly Clarkson fan girl 🙋🏻‍♂️


Getting to Vegas was hard. Enjoying Vegas was so easy once I finally landed. Literally 24 hours after I stepped foot in the GJ airport, I was walking off a plane in Vegas.

A very quick cab ride to the Wynn, and was up in the room by noon. We gathered for brunch at La Cave around 1p where the different offerings were passed via tray by servers, and of course we had to add in the unlimited beverage add-on after the last 24 hours. I thoroughly enjoyed everything but I think we all agreed the corn-flake crusted French toast was the star.

Gambled and then a quick nap and shower and we were on our way to Planet Hollywood for the main event - Kelly Clarkson.

So in this year of "yes", adding in Kelly was a no-brainer. I have always wanted to see her in Vegas and tried hard to do so in 2020 before COVID shut down the world, so in a full-circle moment, it was the perfect time to make it happen.

The concert was SO much fun. I am officially a bigger fan-gurl than I cared to admit.

The night continued with a 12:30a dinner. We were walking away from the dinner table just after 2a in an "only in Vegas" moment. Once we got back to the hotel post-concert, there was only 1 restaurant open at the Wynn, and it was a wait to get a table, so that's how it came to be. Not exactly a recommended dinner time, but also fun and different.

Sunday was coffee, coffee, spa and then pool. The pool was so much fun. An overcast summer day in Vegas is a rarity. Still hot but not sweltering. We lunched and drank over-priced, although refreshing cocktails for several hours and planned to meet for dinner at a much more reasonable hour of 8p.

My tribe for the weekend included Patricia, Meagan and Jimmy. Patricia and Meagan were already in Vegas for a conference. They got to avoid the travel fiasco but we all flew ne k together in a VERY empty plane on Monday. Jimmy, a friend that I met on my very first solo adventure in Palm Springs over Christmas 2022 few in from LA to hang out and attend the concert. I had a great time, and hope y'all did too.

Vegas Baby!

Cole from Colorado


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about me:

Hey!  I am Cole from Grand Junction, Colorado. In 2023 I stepped on all seven continents, in a single calendar year, solo!

The year continues to shape my life and my lust for travel.

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