Family weekend
4th weekend in a row of travel. Palm Springs, Black Hawk, Vegas, next up Phoenix!
Ryan and Amy, my brother and sister-in-law are in Phoenix to visit my parents so I decided a few weeks back, before the other 3 weekends were planned, to take a weekend trip to see them.
According to Facebook memories, it's becoming tradition that we gather on this first weekend in May in the Valley of the Sun. It's usually filled with a trip to the Swap meet, multiple games of May-I (card game similar to a mashup of rummy and phase 10), some pool time, hopefully some mini golf, and a LOT of coffee.
I'll definitely share more photos of the swap meet. If you haven't ever been, it's unique.
We are all coffee drinkers. Put us together and watch out. If you haven't bought your shares of Kureig Dr Pepper, it's too late for this weekend but you may see a nice share pop if we gather together again next year (this is not real investment advice. Statement was made for entertainment purposes only and each investor should consider the risks on their own).
Thankfully, work has been busier this week than the last several. Clients seem to be finding the "right" properties after searching for several weeks. Hopefully it's a sign that the real estate market is getting busier again!
Lastly, for this post anyways, got a bunch of stuff set up on the back patio. It's starting to become the little home oasis that I envisioned with the help/execution by Big Dog Builders and Patrick at PTL Landscape.
All need to pay city water bills to irrigate and since I am seemingly rarely home, helps minimize time/effort/expenses to maintain a more traditional landscape.
I'll share a gallery of the progress over the past month or some and then a 2nd gallery of some "life" pics. It's been busy and fun month!
(Getting lots of questions about the 3 hearts tattoo. It's a nod to the cats. They've been one of the few constants in my life. They turn 16 this month. I didn't want a cat or their names tattooed, so 3 lil hearts and an arrow it is. Some might say I am a mess, but I went for it)
Over and out.
Cole from Colorado.